Amigurumi Jellyfish Free Crochet Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi Followers
Today we share Easy Amigurumi Jellyfish Free Crochet Pattern for you. As you know we share new free amigurumi pattern every day. The main crochets are gazelle, amigurumi bear, pola, crochet panda, penguin, giraffe, llama, pig, amigurumi bunny, clown, lamb, bee, crochet unicorn, amigurumi doll, fox, penguin, dinosaur, crochet elephant, hippo, monkey, crochet cat, crochet dog and more …
Todays daily new amigurumi free crochet pattern is Jellyfish.
I want to give you some informations about this amigurumi free pattern;Jellyfish.

Amigurumi Jellyfish Free Crochet Pattern

– Yarn depends on your choice
(I use Alize Cotton Gold 330m/100g) With colors: light green, blue, white, red and pink.
– Thinner black yarn for the mouth and eyes.
– 2mm crochet hook (or another convenient hook for you);
– safety eyes 7mm;
– toys stuffing, scissors, stitch maker, needle and dollmaking needle;
– If you want you can insert some type of rattle in the toy;

mr – magic ring;
ch – chain;
Sc – single crochet;
hdc – half double crochet;
dc – double crochet;
tr – treble crochet;
inc – single crochet increase;

dec – single crochet decrease;
BLO – working in back loops only;
FLO – working in front loops only;
st – stitch;
sl st – slip stitch;
(……)*x – repeat x times;
(…..) – number of stitches in the round.

Difficulty level: Easy
Size without the tentacles 6-7cm (aproximately)

– For little children safety, I suggest to embroider the eyes.
– Allways change the color of yarn at the last step of the last stitch of the previous color.
– Toy gets filled while crochet.
Successful crocheting!!!


Head and Body
Start at the top of the head (in light green);
1. 6sc in a mr (6)
2. inc*6 (12)
3. (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4. (2sc, inc)*6 (24)

5. (3sc, inc)*6 (30)
6. (4sc, inc)*6 (36)
7. (5sc, inc)*6 (42)
8. 42sc (42)
9. (6sc, inc)*6 (48)
10. 48sc (48)
11. (3sc, inc)* 12 (60)
12-18. (7 rounds) (60)

– If you choose to insert eyes, then insert safety eyes between rounds 15 and 16, 8 stitches apart.
19. (13sc, dec)*4 (56)
20. (5sc, dec)*8 (48)
21. (4sc, dec)*8 (40)
– Change to blue yarn.
22. 40sc (40)

– Change to light green yarn.
23. BLO (3sc, dec)*8 (32)
24. (2sc, dec)*8 (24)
25. (sc, dec)*8 (16)
26. BLO dec*8 (8)
– Try not to stuff the bottom of the body too hard, keeping it flat.
Fasten off leaving a yarn tail, tighten and pull the thread inside the body.

– Turn the body upside down. Find round 22 on the body, where you left out the FLO loops of blue color, attach blue yarn and start crocheting in the front side. If you have inserted eyes, then start crocheting in the middle between the eyes.
1. sl st, sc, hdc, (dc, tr in one loop), (4tr in one loop), (tr, dc in one loop), (2dc in one loop)*4, 20 dc, (2dc in one loop)*4, (dc, tr in one loop), (4tr in one loop), (tr, dc in one loop), hdc, sc, sl st.
– Change to white yarn.
2. sl st in each st around the collar, sl st in first st.
Tighten yarn tails and pull in the body.

– In red.
Work in mr (ch 8, start in the second ch from the hook 2sl st, 3sc, 2sl st, sl st in mr)*2.
Pull of the ring. Fasten off, leaving a yarn tails for sewing.

– Feel free to crochet the tentacles longer and as many as you wish.
Here are examples:
1. (one tentacle, 3sl st between)*4, together 4 tentacles. 2. (one tentacle, 1 sl st between)*8, together 8 tentacles. In this pattern there will be a description on how to crochet 5 tentacles.

Turn the body upside down.
Find round 25 on the body, where you left out the FLO loops, attach light green yarn and crochet tentacles.
1. (( Working in one loop, sl st, ch 55, start in the second ch from the hook 3 sc in each loop till the end, sl st), 2sl st )*5, sl st, sl st in first loop.
Tighten yarn tails and pull in the body.

Start at the top of the hat (pompon), (in white);
1. 6sc in a mr
2. inc*6 (6) (12)
3. (sc, dec)*4 (8)

Change to blue yarn.
4. BLO sl st around (8)
5. BLO inc*8 (16)
6. (sc, inc)*8 (24)
7. (3sc, inc)*6 (30)
8. (dec, 3sc)*6 (24)
Change to red yarn.
9. BLO sl st around (24)
10. BLO sl st around (24), sl st in first loop.
Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.

Start at the top of the hat, (in white);
1. 8sc in a mr (8)
2. inc*8 (16)
3. (sc, inc)*8 (24)
4 – 6 (3 rounds) 24sc (24)
– sl st in a first loop, ch 1 and turn the crocheting. Move the marker here and crochet from the second loop from the hook.

7. BLO (5sc, inc)*4 (28)
Then crochet as usual.
8. 28sc (28)
Change to blue yarn.
9. BLO sl st around (28), sl st in first loop.
Fasten off, leaving a white yarn for sewing.

Sailors Hats With Straps
Beggin with first strap, ch 14, hold the hat upside down, attach first strap and continue to crochet the line in FLO rounds 6.
– sl st in each FLO loop around (24), sl st in first loop, then continue crocheting second strap, ch 12.
Cut the yarn tails.

– If you want, you can crochet straight tentacles with ch loops and sew them to the bottom of the jellyfish.
They can be as long and in any color you choose.

– Embroider eyes, cheeks and mouth.
– Sew the hat to the head in your chosen place.
– (For second hat)
– When sewing the second hat to the head, stuff it on the end.
Your Jellyfish is ready!

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